This page tells you about how you can access our information.
It explains your legal rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 2018, and what information is available as part of our Publication Scheme.
For information about how we keep your data secure and protect your privacy please access our Privacy page.
Accessing information about you
You have the right to request a copy of any personal information that Finchley Osteopaths holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Requests for disclosure of information in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act should be made in writing to:
Finchley Osteopaths
259 Nether Street
London N3 1PD
We will ask for confirmation of identity before we provide any personal information.
We do not normally charge for providing you with your information. We will respond to your request as quickly as we can and, at the latest, within one month of receiving your request.
If we cannot meet your request we will explain why and also how you can appeal against any such decision.
Accessing our publications
As required by the Freedom of Information Act, Finchley Osteopaths has a publication scheme, which follows the model scheme approved by the Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner’s Office is responsible for the Freedom of Information Act and its operation.
The purpose of the publication scheme is to make it easier for you to obtain information by letting you know what information is readily available from us. By ‘readily available’ we mean information that is on our website, or that can be obtained from us by letter or e-mail.
The Scheme is reviewed regularly to ensure that the information available is kept up to date.
If you can’t find what you want in the publication scheme or on this website you can make a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
How to get other information using the Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives anyone the right to access information held by authorities such as Finchley Osteopaths
You have the right to ask for information, by letter or email, and we must:
tell you whether or not we have the information you have asked for
provide you with any information we have (unless the information is covered by any of the exemptions listed in the Act) within 20 working days.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, certain kinds of information are exempt from the provisions of the Act, which means they do not have to be disclosed or provided. If the exemptions cover the information you have requested we will tell you in writing, but we do not have to confirm or deny that we have the information.
If you cannot find the information you want on this website or in the publication scheme, and you want to request it from us, you can do so by sending the Freedom of Information request form, by post or email to:
Finchley Osteopaths
259 Nether Street
London N3 1PD
Please include:
your name and an address (email or postal) that we can reply to
as many details as you can about the information you require, to help us provide it quickly.
Most of the information is free, but we may make a charge for particular items. We charge for a public version of the transcript of a fitness to practise hearing to be made (free copies are only supplied to parties to the hearing). Depending on the redactions and editing that may be required, costs can vary, but start from £2.00 per page and include postage and packing for hard copies. We can give quotations on request and will need payment in advance.
We will let you know of any relevant charges when we reply to your request. Full details of your rights and our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act are available on the Information Commissioner’s website at
Making a complaint
If you are not happy with the way your request for information has been dealt with you can complain in writing to:
The Data Protection Officer
General Osteopathic Council
Osteopathy House
176 Tower Bridge Road
London SE1 3LU
If you are not satisfied with our Data Protection Officer’s response, you can write to the Information Commissioner at:
The Office of the Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 08456 30 60 60
You should contact the Information Commissioner as soon as possible or within two months of receiving a response from our Data Protection Officer.